Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



ECB announces second interest rate cut of this year

FRANKFURT, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) — The European Central Bank (ECB) on Thursday announced it would cut key interest rates again, marking its second rate reduction this year following a move in June, with no indication of the future rate path.…

People watch rubber duck race in Szentendre, Hungary

People watch a rubber duck race, also a charity event, in Szentendre, Hungary, on Aug. 31, 2024. (Photo by Attila Volgyi/Xinhua) People watch a rubber duck race, also a charity event, in Szentendre, Hungary, on Aug. 31, 2024. (Photo by…

Rohingya refugees: UN calls for stepping up funding

The United Nations has called for sustained commitment from international partners to support the protection of nearly one million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and to help secure solutions for a lasting end to their plight. The call came as the…
